Best wrestling hairstyles

The easiest hairstyle to do for a wrestling match is a ponytail or a ponytail with a braid. It may be the easiest to do but I wouldn't recommend it because it holds the long strands of hair but not the short ones. In a wrestling match, you want to be focused on the match and not your hair. Imagine asking the ref to give you 2 seconds so fix your hair, you start fixing it, and he says no, then blows the whistle and you have to wrestle with your hair out. Terrible I know. So let's avoid terrible scenarios like this and find you the best hairstyle before your match. 

Left: French braids. Right Dutch braids

BRAIDS! They're lifesavers. Two dutch braids are always my go-to and favourite hairstyle. I always do two braids because I find them really easy to do and they keep most of my hair out of my face. 


 Half braids and a half ponytail is also effective because the braids are held on tighter. Although the hairs from the ponytail can also get in the way, especially if you have long hair, so I suggest you braid that too.


Cornrow braids are another great hairstyle. Cornrow braids keep every single hair out of your face. I love these braids but they do take longer to do so I usually do them the night before with a lot of gel to keep them in place.

If your hair is too short to be braided you can use rubber bands to keep your little hairs out of the way. Here a hairstyle for that. 


half -head braids. This hairstyle is a good idea for short hair because it only holds the top half of your hair.

My point is, Braids can never do you wrong. Braids hold everything in place, they're easy and fast to do, they don't get in the way like a bun, and you don't need any bobby pins or any other hair accessory to kip them in place. Remember that you cant have anything in your hair for a wrestling match for safety reasons. A hairstyle I would not recommend for silky hair is a bun, your hair slips out and it just won't stay in place. 


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