Advancing education
Since 2015, BTS has served more than 30,000 low-income children and youth.
With our partner’s support, we have increased access to sports, skill-building and employment opportunities. Participants in our programs have improved their confidence and resilience and become more active.
Since 2020, we served 7,314 children & youth & encouraged:
362 hours of social-emotional skill-building activities
106 hours of mentoring opportunities
750 hours of wrestling, boxing and kickboxing activities
1,086 hours of employment training
555 hours of volunteer opportunities
Success stories
Participant feedback
From 2015-2019 BTS:
Increased # of active youth in the GTA
Served 480 at-risk youth in after school wrestling programs & encouraged
255 students wrestlersStarted 12 after school wrestling programs
Facilitated Coaching Certification for
21 teachers
Encouraged academic achievement
Facilitated mentorships for 25 students
Provided 50 hours of tutoring
Awarded 2 scholarships
Increased employability skills
Served 35 students in summer jobs program
Provided 756 hours of work experience and skill-building opportunities