Your donation impacts youth
The belief that anything is possible is powerful.
But there are more than 125,000 children and youth living in low-income situations across the GTA, and many haven't had the chance to believe that…yet.
With your support, we provide free, high-quality educational programs to low-income youth, ages 6-24, across the GTA. We teach youth a growth mindset and empower them with confidence, resilience & healthy habits to set goals, make good decisions and dream big, like Arely.
Arely's story
Arely first came to BTS in 2016
BTS supported her through wrestling, mentorship and work experience programs. As a result, she aspired to be the first in her family to go to university. Arely is now in her third year at York University, on a scholarship.
Go Arely!
“The BTST program has helped me develop my social-emotional skills by…..
Always pushing me to reach for the stars.
Believing in me and helping me believe in myself.
Helping me form and sustain healthy relationships.
Creating a safe, fun and healthy environment to be involved with.”