Ready to grow?
You Grow Girl is a fun & dynamic resiliency-building program led by professional coaches and athletes.
We use combat-based fitness classes to level up physical skills and experiential learning activities to level up the social-emotional skills of girls ages 13-18 across the GTA.
We teach girls the tools and growth mindset they need to constructively navigate adolescence, successfully transition to adulthood and realize their full potential.

You Grow Girl encourages
Healthy bodies
A professional athlete/trainer teaches students the basics of boxing, kickboxing or wrestling.
Girls learn basic footwork, defensive and offensive moves to improve fundamental movement skills, agility, balance and coordination. We aim to increase physical literacy and confidence, building blocks for an active lifestyle.
Our fitness curriculum is based on age-appropriate stages of the Long-Term Development Framework, the Canadian Movement Guidelines and ParticipAction recommendations.
Healthy minds
A professional educator uses experiential learning activities from the BTS social-emotional learning curriculum to teach tools and strategies like managing stress, positive motivation and goal-setting.
Activities include brainteasers, dynamic discussions, art therapy and skill practice to encourage resilience and a growth mindset. Research shows that resiliency can contribute to mental well-being and academic achievement.
Our resilience-building curriculum aligns with provincial school health and physical education curriculum for secondary schools and is based on social-emotional learning frameworks and the skills we learned as athletes and coaches.
“There is much evidence to support physically literate girls do twice as much activity than those who are not. They are happier and more trusting of other children, and higher levels of resilience is evident in children who demonstrate competency in these aspects of physical literacy."
“Girls who lack resilience often have low self-esteem, are emotionally vulnerable and easily influenced by others, accept mistreatment, and find it difficult to cope with problems or to see that solutions are within their grasp.”

What participants say
We have served more than 75 girls in You Grow Girl since 2020.
“This program taught me about self-love, organization, time management, fitness and overall how to take care of myself - It was a wonderful learning experience.”
Participant, 2020
“Over this course, I have learned lots, but my favourites were, the workouts, breathing and relaxation and time management because since the course I’ve got to actually apply them in real life.”
Participant, 2021
"My favourite part of the program was learning how to box. I had a lot of fun learning about all the different kinds of techniques like defensive dodges or combos used to counter. I’ve learned that multitasking is a huge aspect of boxing. You have to remember to keep your hands up, keep your core firm, throw strong punches, and dodge all at the same time."
Participant, 2022
How it works
Every class includes a fitness component (30 minutes) and a life skill component (30 minutes).
Classes can be delivered:
once or twice a week,
online or in person,
during or after school.
The fitness component provides moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPA).
Each class is focused and structured, levelling up from the last.
Programs can be 6, 8 or 16 x 1-hour sessions.