Hello educators!
Would you like to bring a BTS program to your school?
All our programs:
are evidence-based
use curriculum designed by professional athletes & educators
align with the Ontario Health and Physical Educational Curriculum for both elementary and secondary schools
provide unique sports opportunities to develop physical literacy and social-emotional skills to encourage resilient, confident and active youth
free if your school is located in a low-income neighbourhood or serves a large population of low-income students
Upcoming programs
Wrestle 4 Fun // Ages 6-12 in the Toronto District School Board
Over 3-5 classes, students will have fun learning basic wrestling moves and social-emotional skills through physical activity and games. Classes are taught by university wrestlers.
We have one week programs (3-5 classes) starting October until June.
You Grow Girl // Ages 13-18 in the Greater Toronto Area
Over 8 classes, students will learn the fundamentals of boxing and kick-boxing to improve self-defence, while learning about social-emotional skills and strategies to "level up” their resilience, confidence and physical literacy in a safe space. Classes are delivered by a professional athlete & coach.
We have 14 programs (8 x 1 hour classes) available from October 2022 - June 2023.
Level Up // Ages 13-18 in the Greater Toronto Area
Over 8 classes, students will learn the fundamentals of boxing and kick-boxing, while learning about social-emotional skills and strategies to "level up” their resilience, confidence and physical literacy in a safe space. Classes are run by a professional MMA fighter and & educator.
We have 10 programs (8 x 1 hour classes) available from October 2022 - June 2023.
Inquiry form
We'd love to work with you!