Celebrating a decade of impact: Highlights from our 10th Anniversary Fundraiser

Wrestling, Writing and Fighting for Our Youth

Getting ready for guest speakers at the BTS 10th Anniversary Fundraiser

We are delighted to announce that our Beat the Streets 10th Anniversary fundraiser, "Wrestling, Writing & Fighting for our Youth," on May 9, 2024, at L’Amoreaux Collegiate Institute in Scarborough, was a great success! Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we raised an impressive $95,000 (and counting). The event was memorable, featuring wrestling demonstrations, delicious food, refreshing drinks, and engaging, inspirational guest speakers. We are thrilled to share the highlights of our first-ever fundraiser and extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who made this event possible.

Removing barriers for low-income children and youth

John Irving entertaining our guests and helping Beat the Streets raise funding to deliver free programming to low-income children and youth in the GTA.

We set a goal of raising $100,000 to remove barriers and create opportunities for over 3,000 children and youth to join our programs, including Wrestle 4 Fun, Level Up & You Grow Girl, and Pin 2 Win in the upcoming 2024/2025 school year.

Raising $95,000 in the post-pandemic landscape, where funding is harder to secure, is a significant achievement.

We are also grateful to an anonymous donor who will match any donations made from May 9th to June 9th up to $50,000. If you'd like to create more empowering opportunities for youth through wrestling and combat sports and take advantage of our donor matching, you can support us here

Wrestling is a metaphor for life. Everyone’s wrestling through something, everyone’s wrestling through challenges. Through this sport, you learn how to bounce back from failure, navigate challenges, set goals, and work towards them.
— Ben Reiter, Beat the Streets National

Inspirational guest speakers

Remi Adeleke

Remi Adeleke captivated the audience with his story of overcoming adversity. From his challenging upbringing in the Bronx to becoming a Navy SEAL, Remi highlighted the crucial role of mentorship and support in achieving success. His message resonated deeply with all in attendance.

Remi shared a poignant moment from his journey: "I grew up in the Bronx, a very rough neighbourhood, especially in the 80s and 90s. Despite the challenges, I realized that there is more. I can be better, I can do better. There is more within me. And that realization came from the words my mother spoke to me, which echoed in my head during my lowest moments."

I had one person who believed in me, the recruiter. She saw something in me that I didn’t even see in myself. And these Beat the Streets instructors and leaders, they see so much in the youth that these kids don’t see in themselves.
— Remi Adeleke

John Irving

John Irving shared his journey and the profound impact wrestling has had on his life. He spoke about the lifelong friendships and lessons learned through the sport, emphasizing the importance of community and resilience. His stories highlighted the enduring bonds formed through wrestling and the valuable life skills it imparts.

John reflected on his early wrestling days: "Wrestlers are a family. I'm 82. And the people I knew in childhood, as a teenager in my 20s and 30s, are the ones who are still alive. The ones I'm in touch with are wrestlers. Teammates. Even opponents." 

Wrestling teaches us resiliency in the face of adversity, and it also teaches us perseverance in times of struggle. The discipline that is instilled through the rigour of training and the camaraderie fostered amongst those who are teammates and coaches shapes us into the people we are today.
— John Irving

Memorable quotes from our presenters & guest speakers

Thank you to all!

We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who made this night possible:

Guest speakers John Irving and Remi Adeleke

L’Amoreaux Collegiate Institute: A big thank you to L’Amoreaux Collegiate Institute, its staff, and students for allowing us to use their premises and providing us with volunteers to ensure the event went smoothly.

John Irving and Remi Adeleke: We are grateful to our two distinguished guest speakers, John Irving and Remi Adeleke, for inspiring and motivating us with their tales of adversity and triumph.

Volunteers from LÁmoreaux Collegiate Institute help set up BTS photo displays

10th Anniversary Sponsors: We are incredibly thankful to our sponsors for making this happen and enabling us to continue impacting youth in 2024/2025. Thank you to National Bank Investments, National Bank Financial Wealth Management & Angela Hamilton Wealth Advisory Group, RP Investment Advisors, The Quinn Family Future Foundation, Infinite Investment Systems, One Team Health, Urban Irrigation Solutions, and Genumark.

Volunteers: Thank you to our energetic and amazing volunteers, many former BTS participants, who helped set up the event, manage audio and visuals, support catering, and put on a wrestling demonstration. Without your help, we could not have done this.

Donors and attendees: Thank you to everyone who donated, purchased tickets, and attended the event. It was wonderful to see so many supporters under one roof. Your participation and contributions will ensure more low-income children and youth have access to life-changing programs.

Dana's Catering: A big thank you to Coach Mar and her team at Dana's Catering for providing our guests with a feast fit for royalty! Mar and her team outdid themselves, and we probably did too on all the delicious food.

Courtney Lewis and John Park, BTS Board Members

BTS Board and Event Committee Members: We are grateful to our board and event committee members for organizing this incredible event and ensuring the sustainability of our programs. Thank you to Courtney Lewis, John Park, Sang Kim, Dave Gordon, John Ewin, Scott Prokosch, and Mike Quinn. A special thank you to Ellen Novack for working her magic and bringing it all together.

Coaches and BTS staff past and present: Thank you to all the coaches, facilitators, summer job students and others who have played an important part in this ten-year journey. Thank you for being a part of this team and ensuring that our organization and programs deliver on their mission.

Thank you all for being a part of the Beat the Streets family

Together, we are making a difference, one program at a time. As we celebrate this milestone, we look forward to expanding our programs and reaching even more youth with your continued support.


About Beat the Streets: 

At Beat the Streets, our mission is to advance the education of low-income children and youth in the Greater Toronto Area through fun and unique sports, life skills, and employment-based development programs. Since 2014, we have served over 30,000 young individuals through our Wrestle 4 Fun, Level Up, You Grow Girl, Work It (Summer Jobs), and Volunteer programs, providing them opportunities to develop their physical, mental, and social well-being. We believe in empowering the next generation by breaking down barriers and creating pathways to success. 

Join us in our mission to impact youth:

Join us in making a difference by supporting our cause and learning more about how you can contribute to the education and growth of children and youth in need. Together, we can shape a brighter future for all.


From the Bronx to the SEALs: Remi Adeleke's journey of resilience


‘It is possible to do it differently and do it well’: 35-year-old mother of 3 Gen Morrison on chasing Olympic wrestling berth