Building resilience and promoting mental health during COVID
The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has led to a rise in stress and anxiety in people and communities across Canada and the world. With so many disruptions to our everyday lives, it is normal to feel a range of emotions (angry, sad, worried, lonely, anxious, confused, scared). And while we may feel helpless to change our circumstances, there are things we can do to turn this period of our lives into a learning experience and develop resilience.
“Resilience is the psychological quality that allows some people to be knocked down by the adversities of life and come back at least as strong as before. Rather than letting difficulties, traumatic events, or failure overcome them and drain their resolve, highly resilient people find a way to change course, emotionally heal, and continue moving toward their goals.”
Research has shown that resilient youth with social and emotional skills can better navigate everyday life and benefit academically. With talks of a “new normal” and feeling of uncertainty, it is more important than ever that youth develop skills to promote their resilience and mental wellbeing and have the ability to “bounce back” from these uncertain times.
“Resilient children tend to be empathic; that is, they can understand and sympathize with the feelings of others. They tend to be good communicators who are able to solve problems. They have a strong interest in school, and are dedicated to learning. They’re driven to achieve goals. They’re involved in meaningful activities. They’re hopeful about the future. They have a solid relationship with one or more adults. And they live in safe and well-functioning families and communities.”
At BTS, we promote resilience in youth by teaching students to believe in themselves, set goals, persevere in the face of defeat, stay focused, communicate and regulate their emotions. We use social and emotional learning to teach youth the skills they need to deal with difficult issues in a constructive, empathetic and positive way.
Although our programs are on hold, there is an abundance of online tools, articles, activities and resources to promote mental health and resilience in youth. For your ease and reference, we have compiled a list of useful links for families and youth in one place. And please remember, you are not alone, we are all in this together and will get through this together.
Stay safe, stay well and be kind!
COVID-19 Resources
The Psychology Foundation of Canada
COVID-19: Resources to build our children’s resilience Health Commission of Canada
COVID-19 Resources Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid: COVID-19 Self-Care & Resilience Guide
COVID-19 Youth Mental Health Resource Hub your mind
Self Care During COVID-19 Service Toronto
COVID-19 Resources First Canada
Resources for children and families impacted by COVID-19 Kids Health
COVID-19 Learning hub Kids Health
The CARD System for Coping with fears and anxiety
Canadian Paediatric Society
How to help youth tackle the blues during COVID-19 and #physicaldistancing
Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute
Supporting Children during COVID-19 (video workshop)
How teenagers can protect their mental health during coronavirus (COVID-19) 6 strategies for teens facing a new (temporary) normal
How to protect your family’s mental health in the face of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) A conversation with adolescent psychology expert Dr. Lisa Damour
Resources and further information on building resilience in children and youth
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
Raising Resilient Children and Youth for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
Growing Up Resilient: Ways to build resilience in children and youth Today Canada
Child Trends
Ways to Promote Children’s Resilience to the COVID-19 Pandemic Development Bank
Boosting our youth’s resilience in the face of COVID-19: emotion regulation is key of Washington
A Path to Resilience in the Face of COVID-19 FitzGerald, Wilfred Laurier University
How to build children’s resilience, and your own, amid coronavirus unknowns of Education, Ontario
Strengthening Children’s Resilience and Mental Health Psychology
27 Resilience Activities and Worksheets for Students and Adults (+PDFs) Lucas Educational Foundation
Resources on Developing Resilience, Grit, and Growth Mindset Laurier University
Three tips for building children’s resilience during COVID-19 pandemic Parents
5 Ways To Build Your Child’s Resilience In An Anxious World