BTST awarded Ontario Sports and Recreation Communities Fund Grant to support After School Program for 2 years!

The Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund (OSRCF) is a grant program that supports a vision of getting and keeping Ontarians active in community sport, recreation and physical activity.  This spring, Beat the Streets Toronto was successful in our application to OSRCF and was delighted to hear that we would be receiving support for our After School Program which operates in underserved communities in the GTA and serves middle school children.

This has long been a goal of BTST, as we understand that helping youth in Toronto starts with the younger children, children ages 8 – 13.  It is our understanding that this is the age where children are most vulnerable and exposed to negative influences.  We’ve learned this through our experiences with our current programs at Dixon Grove public school, Elmbank Junior public school and Samuel Hearne public school.

Over the past two years, we saw great success working with these schools and learned just how important it is to have programming like this available to students at a vulnerable time of the day.  We witnessed how much the students enjoyed participating in the program.  We look forward to expanding this program and are grateful to the Ontario Government for giving us the opportunity to grow and reach even more at-risk youth. 

Stay tuned for some fantastic results!



Beat the Streets Toronto and the Blue Jays Care Foundation take the kids out to the ball game!


Working together: Canada Summer Jobs, YAAACE & BTST