A fun and dynamic 8-week online program lead by a professional coach and athlete using fitness classes to level up physical skills, and mini-workshops to level up soft skills.

16 x 1 hour sessions will combine mini-workshops with workouts to encourage youth (10-18 years) to develop the social and emotional skills they need to build resilience and confidence and to help them successfully navigate the “new normal”.


Resilience involves being able to recover from difficulties or change—to function as well as before and then move forward. Many refer to this as “bouncing back” from difficulties or challenges.
— Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)


Coach Tyson will deliver a dynamic and fun curriculum introducing students to the following activities:

Mini Workshops

Coach Neal will run “mini” workshops using discussions and activities to promote soft skills and encourage resilience.

Resilient children tend to be empathic; that is, they can understand and sympathize with the feelings of others. They tend to be good communicators who are able to solve problems. They have a strong interest in school, and are dedicated to learning. They’re driven to achieve goals. They’re involved in meaningful activities. They’re hopeful about the future. They have a solid relationship with one or more adults.
— Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)


funded by

We are thankful and proud to be a recipient of the Sport Relief Fund from Jumpstart. With their support, we will be able to deliver 4 Level Up programs across the GTA.