All Good Things Must Come To An End

It's been an incredible 7 weeks. I've learned so much this year, and I'm grateful to have been a part of such an amazing team. I can say that I've gained a lot of confidence in myself. I'm feeling ready and at ease for my senior year of high school. This year, I had the opportunity to make a difference. I'm overjoyed that I was chosen from several applicants. I learned how to write professionally and what goes on behind the scenes of a business. Last, but not least, I've gained valuable work experience, improved my work ethic, and made new connections. I still have a long way to go, but I'm excited to learn and grow.

Beat the Streets is working tirelessly to ensure that our youth have a future. I sincerely hope that we will one day achieve our goal of "a world where all children and youth, regardless of socioeconomic status, realize their full potential because they are resilient, confident, and active”. I'm proud to say that I was able to work toward that goal this summer, and I couldn't be more satisfied.

Thank you!

Apply here to work with us!

- Milan Elise Ewers


Their Stories: Chris Crooks and Eekeeluak Avalak


How to Start the Year Off Right