Get to know Victoria, the Social Media Community Manager!

Hey! My name is Victoria Stewart, and I am the Social Media Community Manager this summer at Beat the Streets. This is my second year now in this position, and I am so excited to be back!

Youth development programs Employment readiness programs for youth

Picture of Social Media Community Manager, Victoria

I am currently going into my third year at Wilfrid Laurier University studying biology, and I hope to work in research or healthcare in the future. I know the fields of marketing and biology are very different, but for years, graphic design and photoshop have been a main hobby of mine. I started around grade 9, and since then, I have been improving and taking on more roles that utilize my skills accordingly. That’s why I’m so excited about this position. I feel that here, I can make a meaningful impact, one that benefits my community in many ways. It’s also a great chance for me to learn new, valuable skills, design related or otherwise.

Youth development programs

Canada logo

I am so grateful for this opportunity, and for it I would like to thank not only Beat the Streets, but also Canada Summer Jobs for providing my funding. Without the support from both of these organizations, I would not be able to do my work, and I would be unable to reach the goals I set for myself. So, again, a big thank you to Beat the Streets and Canada Summer Jobs, I really appreciate this amazing opportunity!


About Beat the Streets: 

At Beat the Streets, our mission is to advance the education of low-income children and youth in the Greater Toronto Area through fun and unique sports, life skills, and employment-based development programs. Since 2015, we have served over 28,000 young individuals through our Wrestle 4 Fun, Level Up, You Grow Girl, Work It (Summer Jobs), and Volunteer programs, providing them opportunities to develop their physical, mental, and social well-being. We believe in empowering the next generation by breaking down barriers and creating pathways to success. 

Join us in our mission to impact youth:

Join us in making a difference by supporting our cause and learning more about how you can contribute to the education and growth of children and youth in need. Together, we can shape a brighter future for all.


Get to know the Social Media Community Manager of WorkIt 2023!


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