First day at Beat the Streets!

The Orientation 

Getting the opportunity to meet the team at the orientation was very exciting and I can’t wait to start working with some of them! My favourite part about the orientation was when we got to play some icebreaker games, I really enjoyed playing the game called, “Can you hear me now?” This game gave me a chance to get to know more about my other team members and for the first time work together with some of them. A big thank you to Jessica, Coach Neal, Arely, Kathy, Laila and David for putting together such an awesome orientation!

What do I expect to learn throughout the course of 7 weeks?

  • Develop teamwork skills 

  • Improve communication skills

  • Develop leadership skills 

  • Enhance digital skills 

  • Obtain transferable skills for future work experiences

  • Gain a sense of what working in a work environment is like

A special thank you to Beat the streets and Canada Summer Jobs for making summer job opportunities like mine possible!


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