What does W.R.E.S.T.L.I.N.G Mean?

If you’re anything like me, wrestling means a lot to you. What’s more - it can mean different things in different moments. This sport has helped me find my power when I felt weak. It’s grown my respect for hard work. And as cliche as it might sound, it’s given me more hope that just about anything is possible.

So let’s break down what it really stands for.



Have the wisdom to understand how all the experiences this sport puts you through reach way beyond your time on the mats. Take that wisdom and run with it.










When you have resilience, you can come back from the hardest moments wrestling can throw at you at least as strong as before. It’s never easy to do that - if it was, it wouldn’t be noteworthy - but you can find it in you.

Enthusiasm changes the game. When you’re passionate, optimistic, and glad to be present, your energy will motivate those around you in a way that ultimately helps you as well.

Strength is defined as:

“the capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure”

A wrestler needs to be strong.

Tenacity a.k.a determination is essential. Wrestlers need to be a little stubborn. Are you going to quit? No.

I’ll admit that I’ve thought of quitting - sometimes for seemingly good reason. But I urge you to be just a little bit more stubborn. Whatever difficulty made me consider leaving the sport, sticking with wrestling has paid me 10 fold beyond that hardship.

Leadership. There might be many ways to be a leader but do so most importantly by example.

Be noble. Do everything with grace and dignity. Wrestlers, win or lose, shake hands at the end of the match.

Grit. A whole blog could be written about grit. Sometimes you just have to grind it out.

And that’s what WRESTLING means to me.

What does it mean to you?

- Simi Jayeoba


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