7 things that bother wrestling athletes in the practice room

Wrestling room during a practice. Building-confidance-in-low-income-youth-Toronto-charity

Hey everyone,

          Today, I will be talking about 7 of the many things that bother wrestling athletes in the practice room. Whether you are in your High school’s wrestling team, your university’s varsity team, or just club, you’re bound to be bothered by at least one of these things.


#1. Bad hygiene

    Imagine practicing with your partner then in a series of moves your face ends up under his/her armpit and it just hits you, the dreadful smell that could bring tears to one’s eyes. No one wants to be the one with bad body odor and we all already know how physical and up-close wrestling can get so do yourself and your wrestling partner a favor and put on some deodorant, shower, and change your practice clothes daily.


#2. When your coach partners you up with someone that’s far off your weight category

            No one is really learning or getting anything done in those situations. The lighter and the heavier person will both be having difficulties because they’re not getting the appropriate responses or resistance and the risk of injuries also increases. It’s like trying to fit a grown up in a child’s outfit.


#3 when other athletes try to get out of setting the mats or putting them away

            I personally have to admit that I am one of those people, I don’t like it at all but I’ve come to realize that teamwork makes the dream work so the more people that actually help out with the mats, the faster we get the job done. It’s that simple.


#4 favoritism

            This one is quite controversial but hey, it exists, and it happens. Not just in wrestling but in all sports, some coaches do prefer one or a group of athletes over another, therefore, giving those selected people more attention than the rest. Why try to have a full team if you’re going to play favorites? Just run tryouts and cut the ones you don’t like, that way the others can go on their way and not waste their time not getting any better.


#5 when your partner is not giving you their 100% because you’re a girl

     This one hits close to home because I’ve had guys tell me that they don’t want to go hard on me because I’m a girl and they might hurt me. First of all, I  appreciate your concern but I could get hurt no matter what I decide to do, whether I’m cutting onions or mowing the lawn and second of all how can you be sure that you won’t be the one getting hurt? Male wrestlers need to stop underestimating female wrestlers. Matter of fact, men need to stop underestimating women, Period!!!


#6 when your partner doesn’t give you their 100% because they don’t want to be here

            This is kind of similar to the previous statement but with the only difference that your partner would rather be somewhere else than in the practice room. Again, it’s okay if you don’t want to be here, you can always leave, but don’t waste someone else’s time and energy.


#7 when athletes disrespect their coaches

To me, my coaches are like mentors or the other parent and it just baffles me when I see an athlete just being rude to their coach. Those men and women have families at home and are probably tired after a long day at work, but they still show up every day to practice because they see potential in you and want you to be the best you can be.


That is all for now. Thank you for reading up until now and see you soon.

PS: I am not targeting anyone specifically with the statements in this blog.


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